The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has been running after school and weekend classes in WA, since 1979. Our unique, dynamic program is also available for school incursions, through Drama +, taking the “drama” out of teaching drama for school educators.
Drama + programs help to develop ongoing confidence, verbal communication skills, self-esteem, public speaking skills and resilience for all children. In our fun, dynamic lessons, students participate in improvisation, voice and speech training, creative movement, short script work, team building exercises and lots more.
Drama + programs can cater for the needs of your school. We come to you and depending on your needs, can offer:
- One-off workshops for one class, one year level, or each class in your school.
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 week programs, or a whole year’s worth of lessons!
- Assistance with public speaking, assemblies or performances
Or, tell us what you need, and we can tailor our Drama + program to suit you.
Our program caters for Kindy to Year 6 and there is no participation required from teachers – our fully qualified teachers will do all of the work, leaving you to observe and record each child’s progress for reporting. We link into the Early Years Learning Framework and The Arts in the WA curriculum.
Contact us today for more details, or to book your incursion now.